3-22.3-23.3-24.3-25.3-26.3-27.What component of the chargingsystem supplies the electricalpower and rectifies its currentmechanically by using commutatorbars and brushes?1.The generator2.The alternator3.The regulator4.The coilMost alternators supply a lowcurrent output at low-engine speed.1.True2.FalseWhich of the following stagesis NOT an operating stage ofa charging system?1.The battery supplies allload current during starting2.The battery supports thegenerator supply currentduring peak operations3.The generator supplies allcurrent and recharges thebattery4.The battery supplies allcurrent for peak operationsThe battery supports the generatoror alternator during peakoperations.1.True2.FalseWhich of the following startingcircuits is NOT used to increaseeither the voltage or amperagefrom a set of batteries?1.Parallel system2.Series system3.Series-parallel system4.Double-series systemHooking up jumper cables from a24-volt system to a heavy-duty12–volt system can cause severebattery damage, starterdestruction, or even an explosion.1.True2.FalseLearning Objective:Recognizethe principles and componentsof the lighting system.3-28.Which of the following is NOT acomponent of the lighting system?1.Lamps and bulbs2.Clearance lights3.Fuses4.Stators3-29.Which of the following personnel isresponsible for replacing bad bulbson equipment?1.The dispatcher2.The yard boss3.The operator4.The company clerk3-30.Clearance lights detail which ofthe following areas of a vehicle?1.The maximum width only2.The maximum height only3.The maximum length only4.The maximum height and length3-31.What classification of lightsoutline the height of a vehicle?1.Clearance2.Side marker3.Identification4.Taillights3–32.As viewed from the side, whatclassification of lights indicatethe full-over-all length of avehicle?1.Clearance2.Side marker3.Identification4.Taillight3-33.Which of the following items areused as an additional safetyprecaution in case lights burn outor are broken?1.Auxiliary light2.Spotlight3.Backup light4.Reflectors19
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