1-63.Using the clutch as a foot restcreates light spring pressure,resulting with little frictionbetween the two members of theclutch.1.True2.False1-64.At what location is the trans-mission located within the powertrain?1.Between the propellershaft and rear axle2.Between the forward rearaxle and trunnion axle3.Between the flywheeland clutch housing4.Between the clutch housingand propeller shaft1-65.What device is added to trans-missions to equalize the speedof the mating parts before theyengage?1.A countershaft2.A synchronizer3.An equalizer4.A planetary gearset1-66.What component of the power trainallows the operator to apply enginepower to the wheels smoothly andgradually?1.The gearshift lever2.The propeller shaft assembly3.The clutch4.The accelerator pedal1-67.On a manual transmission, whataction should an operator take whenwaiting at a long traffic light?1.Depress the clutch pedal untilthe light turns green2.Depress the clutch pedal, shiftthe transmission to neutral,and continue with the clutchdepressed until the light turnsgreen.3.Depress the clutch pedal, shiftthe transmission to neutral,and release the clutch pedal4.Depress the clutch pedal, shiftthe transmission to first gearand continue with the clutchdepressed until the light turnsgreen1-68.During double-clutch shifting,what technique is performed whenshifting to a lower gear but notperformed when shifting to highergear speeds?1.Engine is accelerated when thetransmission is in neutral2.Clutch pedal is fully depressedtwice3.Accelerator pedal is releasedbefore depressing the clutch4.When the clutch is fullydepressed, the gearshift leveris placed in the neutralposition1–69.Which of the following factorsdoes NOT affect the performanceof an automatic transmission?1.Throttle position2.Vehicle speed3.Engine temperature4.Position of the shift controllever1-70.Which of the following componentsis NOT a part of a torqueconverter?1.Generator2.Pump3.Turbine4.Stator7
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