. Block up the scraper bowl and apron beforeperforming any work on the cutting edges of the scraper.. Keep the operator’s cab clear of debris, grease,oil, and mud which can cause the operator to slip or fall.. Never kick the scraper out of gear when goingdownhill. The increased speed will make control of thescraper very difficult. Keep the scraper in gear at alltimes and use the cutting edge to control the speedWhen the brakes fail to hold the load, lower and dragthe scraper bowl.l When securing the scraper, ensure the apron isclosed and the bowl on the ground.l Do NOT spread when turning.l When working on slopes, always turn uphill.. Do NOT drop the bowl suddenly; ease the cuttingedge onto the ground.. Load and spread when going downgrade,whenever possible.. When constructing a fill, keep the outside edgehigh and the center low to prevent the scraper fromsliding over the edge.l When the scraper begins to fall off the fill, steerdownhill, drop the bowl, and rapidly accelerate tomaximum rpm. Do NOT attempt to turn the scraperback up the slope. Do NOT stop the forward motion ofthe scraper when there is any danger of the unit tippingover.. Wear any required personal protectiveequipment, such as hard hats and steel toe safety shoes.10-28
Integrated Publishing, Inc. - A (SDVOSB) Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business