Figure 11-12.—Checking track adjustment.Figure 11-10.-Manual track adjustment.Figure 11-11.-Hydraulic track adjuster.adjusted hydraulically with a grease gun. Grease ispumped into the yoke cylinder and extends it untilenough tension is placed on the recoil spring to removethe slack from the track. Tension is relieved by looseningthe vent screw located next to the adjustment fitting.NOTE: Do NOT lubricate this fitting when per-forming daily operator’s maintenance. The trackadjuster fitting should only be greased when the tracksrequire adjustment.Track Adjustment.— To determine proper tracktension, position the dozer on a hard surface. Then placea straightedge over the front carrier roller and idler withall slack removed from the rest of the track. The tensionis correct when the measured distance is as shown infigure 11-12.Track tension should be suitable for the type of areayou arc working in, such as tighter for rock and looserfor sand and snow. However, if the tracks are adjustedtoo tightly, there will be too much friction between thepins and bushings when the track links swivel, as theytravel around the sprocket and front idler. This frictioncauses the pins, bushings, links, sprocket, and idler towear rapidly. Friction in a tight track also robs the tractorof needed horsepower.Tracks that are too loose fail to stay aligned and tendto come off when the tractor is turned. As a result, theidler flanges, roller flanges, and the sides of the sprocketteeth wear down. A loose track will whip at high speeds,damaging the carrier rollers and their supports. If looseenough, the drive sprockets will jump teeth (slide overthe track bushings) when the tractor moves in reverse.Should this happen, the sprocket and bushings will wearrapidly.NOTE: Checking and performing track adjust-ments arc the opcrator’s responsibility.Lubrication.— The track pins and bushings arehardened and require no lubrication. Many roller idlersarc equipped with lifetime seals that are filled duringassembly and require no lubrication. However, trackrollers, carrier rollers, and idlers equiped with greasefittings must be lubricated on a schedule based on themanufacturer’s specifications.NOTE: Fittings should be cleaned before lubri-cating to prevent forcing dirt and grime into thebearings.ATTACHMENTSThe most common type of dozer attachment is thedozer blade, a heavy, rectangular steel blade, that is on11-5
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