Figure 11-15.—Push arm and trunnion.Figure 11-16.—Hydraulic pitch arm.Pitch arms arc diagonal members between the pusharm and the top of the blade. They brace the bladeagainst loads above the push arms and provide a meansof regulating the blade pitch and tilt. The pitch arms maybe threaded or have a hydraulic cylinder, as shown infigure 11-16. To pitch the blade forward, lengthen thearms. The forward blade pitch is for dozing extremelyhard materials. Pitch the blade back by shortening thepitch arms. The back blade pitched is good for leveling,spreading, or cleaning of loose material without theblade digging in. Tilting is done by shortening one armand lengthening the other.STRAIGHT BLADE.— The straight blade (fig.11- 17) is ideal for general dozing when materials are toFigure 11-17.-Straight blade.11-7
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