Figure 12-73.—Aligning and capping steel pile bents.driving, or that is to be salvaged (steel sheet piles arefrequently salvaged for reuse) is usually extracted(pulled). Pulling should be done as soon as possibleafter driving; the longer the pile stays in the soil, themore compact the soil becomes, and the greater theresistance to pulling will be. Methods of pulling pilesare as follows:1. In a direct lift method, a crane palls the pile.The crane hoist line is rigged to the pile through the useof wire rope rigging, and an increase in pull is graduallyapplied to the pile. Lateral blows from a skull cracker(heavy steel ball swung on a crane line to demolishwalls) or a few light blows on the butt or head with thepile-driving hammer are given to break the skin friction,and the crane pull is then increased. If the pile stillrefuses to extract, it may be loosened by jetting, airextractors, or beam pullers.2. The 5,000-pound pneumatic, or steam, hammermay be used in an inverted position to pull piles. Thehammer is turned over and the wire rope rigging isattached to it and the pile is extracted. A pneumaticextractor may also be used. The crane line, holding thehammer or extractor, is hoisted taut; and the upwardblows of the hammer ram on the sling, plus the pull ofthe crane hoist, are usually enough to pull the pile.3. Tidal lift is often used to pull piles driven intidewater. Rigging, wrapped around the piles, isattached to barges or pontoons at low tide; the rising tidepulls the piles as it lifts the barges or pontoons.Types of PilesThe principal use of piles is for the support ofbridges, buildings, wharves, docks and other structures,and in temporary construction. A pile transfers the loadinto an underlying bearing stratum by either of thefollowing:1. Friction along the embedded length of the pile2. Point bearing plus any bearing from the taper ofthe pileA pile maybe classified roughly as frictionor endbearing, according to the manner in which they developsupport. The load must be carried ultimately by the soillayers around and below the points of the piles, andaccurate knowledge of the compressibility of these soillayers is of utmost importance.Some of the common terms used with piles are asfollows:1. Piles. A pile is a load-bearing member made oftimber, steel, concrete, or a combination of thesematerials, usually forced into the ground to transfer theload to underlying soil or rock layers when the surfacesoils at a proposed site are too weak or compressible toprovide enough support.2. Pile foundation. A pile foundation is a group ofpiles that supports a superstructure or a number of pilesdistributed over a large area to support a mat foundation.3. Bearing piles. Piles that are driven verticallyand used for the direct support of vertical loads arecalled bearing piles.Bearing piles transfer the loadthrough a soft soil to an underlying firm stratum. Theyalso distribute the load through relatively soft soils thatare not capable of supporting concentrated loads.4. End-bearing piles. Typical end-bearing piles aredriven through very soft soil, such as a loose silt-bearingstratum underlain by compressible strata. Rememberthis factor when determining the load the piles cansupport safely.5. Friction piles. When a pile is driven into soil offairly uniform consistency and the tip is not seated in ahard layer, the load-carrying capacity of the pile isdeveloped by skin friction. The load is transferred to theadjoining soil by friction between the pile and thesurrounding soil. The load is transferred downward andlaterally to the soil.6. Combination end-bearing and friction piles.Many piles carry loads by a combination of friction andend bearing. For example, a pile may pass through a12-51
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