Assignment 1Textbook Assignment:“Fluid Power,” chapter 1; “Forces in Liquids,” chapter 2;“Hydraulic Fluids, ” chapter 3, pages 3-1 through 3-6.1-1.1-2.1-3.Learning Objective:Recognizethe scope of the text and thebreadth of the topic, FluidPower, including pertinentdefinitions, applications andfundamental concepts.The term “fluid power” includeshydraulics and pneumatics, and ispower that is applied throughliquids or gases pumped orcompressed to provide force andmotion to mechanisms.1.True2.FalseThe purpose of your textbook,Fluid Power, is to provide youwith1.a basic guide for use inmaintaining hydraulicequipment2.a basic reference concerningfundamentals of fluid power3.information on fluid powerapplication for specificequipment4.a reference concerningadvanced concepts of fluidpowerWhich of the following is afavorable characteristic of afluid power system?1.Very large forces can becontrolled by much smallerones2.Different parts of the systemcan be located at widelyseparated points3.Motion can be transmittedwithout the slack inherent inthe use of solid machineparts4.Each of the aboveIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 1-4 THROUGH 1-6,SELECT FROM COLUMN B THE SYSTEM THATMEETS THE PRESSURE AND CONTROLREQUIREMENTS LISTED IN COLUMN A.A. RequirementsB. Systems1-4.1-5.1-6.A medium amount 1.of pressure andfairly accurate 2.controlA medium amount 3.of pressure andmore accuratecontrolA great amount ofpressure and/orextremely accuratecontrolHydraulicPneumaticCombinationhydraulicandpneumatic1-7.Which of the following is aspecial problem of fluid powersystems?1.Loss in efficiency as theforce of the fluid isconveyed up and down oraround corners2.Loss of force as the fluid istransmitted over considerabledistances3.Leaks4.Each of the above1-8.The study of hydraulics wasoriginally confined to the studyof the physical behavior of waterat rest and in motion.The term“hydraulics”now includes thephysical behavior of all1.liquids2.gases3.liquids and gases4.liquids, gases, and solids1
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