1-9.Pascal’s law pertains to the1.construction of aqueducts2.use of water wheels for doingwork3.differences of floating andsubmerged bodies4.transmission of force inconfined fluidsIN QUESTIONS 1-10 THROUGH 1-12, SELECTFROM COLUMN B THE TYPE OF POWER USED INEACH ITEM OF EQUIPMENT OR SYSTEM LISTEDIN COLUMN A._ EQUIPMENTAB. POWER TYPES1-10.Dental Chair1.Hydraulic1-11.Anchor Windlass 2.Hydro-pneumatic1-12.Service stationlift3.Pneumatic1-13.1-14.1-15.Learning Objective:Identify thestates of matter and the factorsaffecting them.All matter is classifiedaccording to its state as asolid, a liquid, or a gas.1. True2. FalseThe critical factors affectingthe state of matter are1.2.3.4.temperature and weightpressure and densitydensity and specific gravitypressure and temperatureLearning Objective:Recognizethe pressure characteristics ofliquids, including how pressureis caused by the weight of theatmosphere, and identify howpressures are measured.Pressure can be measured in termsof force per unit area.1. True2. False1-16.Mark each of the followingstatements, concerning the atmosphereand atmospheric pressure, true or false;then select the alternative below thatlists1-17.1-18.1-19.the statements that are true.A. The troposphere is thatpart of the atmospheretouching the earth’s surfaceB. The atmosphere has weight.c. Atmospheric pressuredecreases as altitudedecreases.D. Atmospheric pressure atpoints below sea level isless than at sea level.1.A and B2.B and C3.C and D4.A, B, C, and DThe reference standard used as anindicator of atmospheric pressureis a column of mercury that atsea level is1.76 inches high at 0°C2.76 centimeters high at 4°C3.76 centimeters high at 0°C4.29.92 inches high at 4°CThe side of a thin-walled chamberpartially evacuated of air is thesource of movement for the1.hydrometer2.aneroid barometer3.mercury thermometer4.Fahrenheit thermometerLearning Objective:Identifyterms and facts applicable to thephysics of fluids and use thesefacts with related formulas tosolve problems pertaining todensity and specific gravity.In the metric system the densityof a substance is its weight in1.grams per cubic foot2.pounds per cubic foot3.grams per cubic centimeter4.pounds per cubic centimeter2
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