1-35.1-36.1-37.1-38.1-39.Water flows through a pipe of 5square-inch cross section at thevelocity of 3 feet per second(fps).At what velocity does itflow through a constriction inthe pipe with a cross section of3 square inches?1.1.8 fps2.3.0 fps3.3.6 fps4.5.0 fpsTwo pistons with different cross-sectional areas will travel atthe same speed as long as therate of fluid flow into theircylinders is identical.1.True2.FalseIn streamline flow, each particleof fluid moves in what manner?1.In uniform helical swirls2.In parallel layers3.At a velocity proportional tothe cross-sectional area ofthe pipe4.At the same velocity in thecenter of the pipe as alongthe wallsLosses due to friction increasewith velocity at a higher rate inturbulent flow than in streamlineflow.1.True2.FalseWhat is inertia of fluids in apower system?1.The resistance of the fluidto movement or change of rateof movement2.The force required tomaintain the fluid atconstant velocity3.The capacity to move andchange rate of flow4.The force required toovercome friction1-40.Neglecting friction, how muchforce is required to accelerate 3pounds of fluid from rest to avelocity of 322 feet per secondin 2 seconds?1.1.5 pounds2.3.0 pounds3. 15pounds4. 30poundsANSWER QUESTIONS 1-41 THROUGH 1-45 ASTRUE OR FALSE BASED ON THE RELATIONSHIPOF FORCE, PRESSURE, AND HEAD.1-41.1-42.1-43.1-44.1-45.1-46.Head is a statement of force perunit area.1.True2.FalseVelocity headenergy caused1.True2.Falseis the loss ofby inertia.Gravity head depends on whichportions of the system areexposed to open air.1.True2.FalseFriction head cannot existwithout velocity head.1.True2.FalseThere can be no static head ifthe fluid is in motion.1.True2.FalseWhich factors affecting fluidaction are classified as staticfactors?1.Applied forces, inertia, andfriction2.Atmospheric pressure, appliedforces , and inertia3.Gravity, applied forces, andfriction4.Gravity, atmosphericpressure, and applied forces5
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