2-9.Which of the following agents, ifcombined with minute amounts ofwater found in operatinghydraulic systems, does NOTchange into hydrochloric acid?1.An approved dry-cleaningsolvent2.Trichlorotrifluoroethane3.Chlorinated solvents4.Trichlorofluoromethane2-10.When you analyze operatinghydraulic fluids, changes inwhich of the following areas maybe of particular interest to you?1.Chemical properties2.physical properties3.particulate contamination4.Any of the above2-11.From which of the followinglocations can fluid samples betaken?1.Filter bowls2.Tops of tanks3.Pipe drains after sufficientfluid has drained4.Each of the aboveLearning Objective:Indicatefunctions, operatingcharacteristics, and related datapertinent to hydraulic pumps.2-12.Which of the following is thefunction of a hydraulic pump?1.To provide flow to thehydraulic system2.To create the pressurerequired in a hydraulicsystem3.To control the pressurerequired in a hydraulicsystem4.To compensate for atmosphericpressure at varying altitudes2-13.If a hydraulic pump is locatedbelow the reservoir, fluid issupplied to its inlet port bywhich of the following forces?1.Fluid head2.Gravity3.Atmospheric pressure4.A combination of all of theabove2-14.The ratings of most hydraulicpumps are determined by their1.efficiency2.output per unit time3.volumetric output at a givenpressure4.amount of internal slippage2-15.Pump performance can be expressedin which of the following terms?1.Gallons per minute2.Cubic inches per revolution3.Both 1 and 2 above4.Cubic feet per minute2-16.In contrast to a nonpositive-displacement pump that canoperate with its discharge outletcompletely restricted, apositive-displacement pump cannotdo so and must be used with apressure regulator.1.True2.FalseLearning Objective:Identifyoperating principles andconstruction features of rotarypumps2-17.Slippage is the term given to theamount of fluid that can returnfrom the discharge side to thesuction side of a rotary pumpthrough the space or clearancesbetween the stationary and movingparts.1.True2.False2-18.Which of the following isgenerally the basis for rotarypump classification?1.Type of drive2.Shaft position3.Service application4.Type of rotating element2-19.What type of gears is illustratedin figure 4-1 of your textbook?1.Spur2.Helical3.Crescent4.Herringbone10
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