2-37.Automatic variation of the volumeoutput of a variable-displacementStratopower pump is controlled bywhich of the following factors?1.Atmospheric pressure2.Reciprocating action of thepistons3.The position of the rockerarm on the shaft4.The pressure in the hydraulicsystem2-38.During nonflow operation of avariable-displacement Stratopowerpump, what provides itslubrication?1.Compensator spring2.Compensator piston3.Bypass system4.Drive camLearning Objective:Indicatebasic requirements for fluidpower system lines andconnectors,and recognizepertinent facts concerningidentification, sizing, uses, andconstruction of pipe and tubing.2-39.You must consider which of thefollowing factors when selectingthe types of fluid lines for aparticular fluid power system?1.The required pressure of thesystem2.The type of fluid medium3.The location of the system4.All of the above2-40.You must give primaryconsideration to all but which ofthe following factors inselecting the lines for aparticular fluid power system?1.The type of material2.The material’s wall thickness3.The material’s insidediameter4.The material’s outsidediameter2-41.Replacement of a piece of tubingwith one having a smaller insidediameter will result in which ofthe following conditions?1.Fluid heating2.Turbulent fluid flow3.System power loss4.All of the above2-42.Which,if any, of the followingstatements is true for pipes ofthe same nominal size?1.As the pipe schedule sizeincreases,the ID remains thesame and the wall thicknessand OD increase2.As the pipe schedule sizeincreases,the ID increases ,the wall thickness decreases,and the OD remains the same3.As the pipe schedule sizeincreases,the ID decreases,the wall thickness increases,and the OD remains the same4.None of the aboveREFER TO TABLE 5-1 IN YOUR TEXTBOOK INANSWERING QUESTIONS 2-43 AND 2-44.2-43.The nominal size of pipe whoseoutside diameter is 1.900 inchesis1.1 1/22.1 3/43. 24.2 1/42-44.What is the schedule 40 wallthickness of pipe with a nominalpipe size of 2 inches?1.0.154 In.2.0.218 in.3.0.308 in.4.0.436 in.2-45.What is the size of No. 4 rigidtubing , and where is themeasurement taken?1.0.004 inch, wall thickness2.0.040 inch, wall thickness3.4/16 inch, inside diameter4.1/4 inch, outside diameter13
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