Assignment 3Textbook Assignment:“Fluid Lines and Fittings,” chapter 5, pages 5-11 through5-21;“Valves,”chapter 6; and Sealing Devices andMaterials,” chapter 7.Learning Objective:Recognizeuses, construction features,operational characteristics andprocedures, functions, andprecautionary measures associatedwith fluid power systemconnectors.QUESTIONS 3-1 THROUGH 3-4 CONCERN THEUSE OF THREADED CONNECTORS IN FLUIDPOWER CIRCULATORY SYSTEMS.3-1.3-2.3-3.3-4.The threads of newly threadedpipe do not corrode if thefittings cover all of the exposedthreading.1.True2.FalsePipe compounds prevent corrosionand assist in the disassembly ofthreaded joints.1.True2.FalseExcess pipe compound that mayooze inside lines does notpresent problems if the compoundis compatible with the fluid inthe system.1.True2.FalseThe use of threaded connectors isgenerally limited to low-pressuresystems.1.True2.FalseIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 3-5 THROUGH 3-7,SELECT FROM COLUMN B THE TYPE OFCONNECTOR TO WHICH EACH STATEMENT INCOLUMN A APPLIES.NOT EVERY CONNECTORIN COLUMN B IS USED.3-5.3-6.3-7.A.STATEMENTSB.CONNECTORSThis connector is1. Brazedattached to thepiping by welding,2. Flaredbrazing, taperedthread , or rolling3. Weldedand bending4. FlangeThis connectorconnects sub-assemblies in somefluid power systems,especially in high--pressure systems thatuse pipe for the fluidlinesThis connector iscommonly used forjoining nonferrouspiping in the pressureand temperature rangewhere its use ispractical3-8.The fitting of a flared connectorshould be made of material havinggreater strength than that of itssleeve and nut and of the piping.1.True2.False16
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