2-27.Why is liquid discharged throughthe outlet port when the pistonis moved to the right?1.The piston rod makes theinlet chamber smaller thanthe outlet chamber2.Check valve B opens,admitting liquid to the inletport and outlet port throughcheck valve A3.Check valve A opens, causingthe liquid confined in theinlet chamber to flow to thesmaller outlet chamber andout the outlet port4.Check valve A closes, causingthe liquid confined in theinlet chamber to flow to theoutlet chamber and out theoutlet portREFER TO FIGURE 4-11 IN YOUR TEXTBOOK INANSWERING QUESTIONS 2-28 THROUGH 2-30.2-28.Which of the following componentswill revolve during the operationof this pump?1.Cylinder block2.Slide block3.Both 1 and 2 above4.Pintle2-29.The pumping action of this pumpis obtained by which of thefollowing actions?1.Rotating the pintle at thecenter of the cylinder block2.Moving the cylinder block offcenter from the axis of thepintle3.Positioning the sliding blockto provide unequal travel ofthe pistons in the cylinderblock4.Moving the rotor and reactionring to provide unequalpiston travel radially aroundthe cylinder block2-30.In which of the following pistonpositions will the cylinder havetaken on a full charge of liquid?1.Position 1, view D2.Position2,view A3.Position 3, view C4.Position 4, view B2-31.Pulsations of fluid flow from aradial-piston pump are muchgreater if the pump has an evennumber of pistons than if it hasan odd number.1.True2 .False2-32.Which of the following componentsof a radial-piston pump isconnected to the cylinder block?1.Rotor2.Pintle3.Piston4.Drive shaftREFER TO FIGURE 4-15 IN YOUR TEXTBOOK INANSWERING QUESTIONS 2-33 AND 2-34,2-33.The rocker arm will beperpendicular to the shaft whenthe shaft has been rotated howfar?1.One-quarter of a turn only2.One-half of a turn 3.Three-quarters of a turn only4.Either one-quarter or three-quarters of a turn2-34.Starting from the position of theshaft as indicated in figure4-15, view G, how many times willrod A be pushed out and pulled inthrough the wheel during eachshaft revolution?1.Once2.Twice3.Four times4.Eight times2-35.The output of the axial-pistonpump is determined by which ofthe following factors?1.Number of pistons2.Length of the piston rods3.Length of the drive shaft4.Angle given to the tiltingplane2-36.What component of a Stratopowerpump holds the pistons inconstant contact with themechanical drive mechanism?1.Wobble plate2.Creep plate3.Check spring4.Piston return spring12
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