Assignment 2Textbook Assignment:“Hydraulic Fluids,” chapter 3, pages 3-6 through 3-11;“Pumps,” chapter 4; and “Fluid Lines and Fittings,” chapter 5,pages 5-1 through 5-11.2 - 5.Compatibility of hydraulic liquidLearning Objective:Identifytypes, characteristic,origin,control, and checks for varioushydraulic system contaminants.2-1. Trouble develops in a hydraulicsystem when the fluid becomescontaminated as the result of1.system componentdeterioration2.friction at hotspots3.abrasive wear4.any action that placesforeign matter in the fluid2-2. By which of the following ways2-6.may air enter into a hydraulicsystem?1. Through improper maintenance2.Past leaky seals in gas-pressurized accumulators3.Past actuator piston rodseals2-7.4.Each of the above2-3. Water contamination of ahydraulic system is NOT a majorconcern since its presence aidsin reducing the flammability ofthe fluid.1.True2.False2-8.2-4. Chemical contamination ofhydraulic liquid by oxidation isindicated when the liquidcontains which of the followingmaterials?1.Sludge2.Asphaitine particles3.Organic acidswith the seals and hoses in asystem prevents which of thefollowing problems fromoccurring?1.Gum formation around theseals and within the hoses2.Depositsof contaminants onthe seals and within thehoses3.Condensation of moisturewithin the system4.Chemical reaction between theliquid acid the seal or hosematerial and consequentbreakdown of these partsAll of the following contaminantsare abrasive EXCEPT1.lint2.rust3.sludge4.sand particlesWhenever drained or usedhydraulic fluid is returned to asystem, straining is necessaryonly if the cleanliness of thestorage container isquestionable.1.True2.FalseWhich of the following agentsshould parts of a hydrauliccomponent be cleaned with priorto being assembled?1.An approved dry-cleaningsolvent2.Trichlorotrifluoroethane3.Chlorinated solvents4.Trichlorofluoromethane4.Each cf the above9
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