REFER TO FIGURE 2-11 OF YOUR TEXTBOOK INANSWERING QUESTIONS 1-29 AND 1-30, WHICHDEAL WITH THE MULTIPLICATION OF FORCESIN POWER SYSTEMS.1-29.Assume that the input piston hasan area of 3 square inches with aforce of 45 pounds.What is thepressure in the system?1.5 psi2.10 psi3.15 psi4.20 psi1-30.Assume that the output piston hasa diameter of 6 inches and issubject to a pressure of 10pounds per square inch.What isthe force exerted on the outputpiston?1.28.26 pounds2.31.4 pounds3.282.6 pounds4.314.0 poundsRefer to figure 1A in answeringquestions 1-31 and 1-32.The ruleapplying to the action of the pistonstates that the force acting on thepiston surface area from chamber C isproportional to the pressure in chamberC times the area of the piston head.The force acting on the piston fromchamber D is proportional to thepressure in chamber D times theeffectiveareaof the piston head (whichis the cross-sectional area of thepiston minus the cross-sectional area ofthe piston shaft.)The piston surfacein chamber C is 25 square inches, andthe effective area in chamber D is 20square inches.1-31.The pressure in line A is 200psi.No force is exerted onshaft S.How much pressure willbe required in line B to preventthe piston from moving?1.160 psi2.200 psi3.250 psi4.500 psi1-32.Lines A and B are pressurized to50 psi.How much force isapplied to each surface and whichway will the piston move?1.C = 1250 pounds, D = 1000pounds, piston will move tothe right2.C = 1250 pounds, D = 1000pounds, piston will move tothe left3.C = 1000 pounds, D = 1250pounds, piston will move tothe right4.C = 1000 pounds, D = 1250pounds, piston will move tothe left1-33.For two pistons in the same fluidpower system, the distances movedare inversely proportional to the1.pressure of the fluid2.volume of fluid moved3.expansion of the fluid4.areas of the pistonsLearning Objective:Recognizethe characteristics and behaviorof fluids in motion, includingmethods for measuring volume andvelocity, and relate the dynamicand static factors involved withfluid flow.1-34.In fluid power syetems usingliquids, the measurement of thevolume of fluid flow is made inunits of1.cubic inches per minute2.gallons per minute3.cubic feet per minute4.cubic yards per minuteFigure 1A4
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