3-9.A universal fitting is one thatcan be1.positioned to the anglerequired for the installation2.adapted to operate with anysize tubing3.positioned to any angle inany plane4.routed through a bulkheadIN QUESTIONS 3-10 THROUGH 3-13, SELECTFROM COLUMN B THE CONNECTOR TO WHICHEACH STATEMENT CONCERNING TIGHTENINGDATA IN COLUMN A APPLIES.A.TIGHTENINGDATA3-10.This connectortightened 1/6turn past thespecified torque3-11.This connectormay not betightened pastthe specifiedtorque3-12.This connectormust be presetprior to beingtightened3-13.This connectormust be turnedwith a wrench1/6 turn pasthandtight3-14.3-15.B. CONNECTORS1.Flarelesstype2.Aluminumalloyflared type3.Steelflared typeQuick-disconnect couplings areprovided with an automaticshutoff feature which preventsloss of fluid from the system orentrance of foreign matter intothe system when they aredisconnected.1.True2.FalseManifolds are used in thepressure supply and/or returnlines of fluid power systems toperform which of the followingfunctions?1.Conserve space2.Reduce joints3.Eliminate piping4.All of the above3-16.In long pieces of tubing orpieces bent to a complex shape,rust and scale can be removed bywhat process?1.Degaussing2.Pickling3.Scraping4.SandblastingLearning Objective:Identifyfunctions of valves in a fluidpower system; also recognizefunctions, operatingcharacteristics,and constructionfeatures of various types of flowcontrol valves.3-17.Valves are used to control whichof the following in fluid powersystems?1.Direction of fluid flow2.Fluid pressure3.Fluid flow4.All of the aboveIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 3-18 THROUGH3-20, SELECT FROM COLUMN B THE TYPE OFFLOW CONTROL VALVE MOST CLOSELYIDENTIFIED WITH EACH STATEMENT IN COLUMNA.3-18.3-19.3-20.A.STATEMENTSIts flow is con-trolled byraising or low-ering discs orwedgesFlow or no-flowthrough it iscontrolled byturning the valveshaft one-quarterturnCertain types areused as variablerestrictorsB.TYPES1.Ball2.Gate3.Globe4.Needle3-21.Gate valves are suitable for useas throttling valves because theyclose in small increments.1.True2.False17
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