ASSIGNMENT 1Textbook Assignment. "Programs, Reports, and Records," "Gas Turbine Maintenance," and"Power Train and Propulsion Systems," chapters 1, 2, and 3.1-1.1-2.1-3.1-4.Learning Objective:Identify theprocedures needed to properlymaintain, monitor, and evaluate theprograms, reports, and recordsrequired of gas turbine systemssupervisors.The tag-out program must be enforcedduring which of the followingconditions?1.New construction2.Normal operations3.Maintenance4.All of the aboveA detailed description of the tag-out program procedures can be foundin which of the following OPNAVinstructions?1.3120.322.5090.13.5100.14.9094.1At a minimum, how often must tag-outaudits be conducted?1.Every week2.Every 2 weeks3.Every month4.Every quarterIf the position of a danger-taggedvalve is in question during a tag-out verification, what action, ifany, should you take?1.Attempt to operate the valve asmall amount in the opendirection2.Attempt to operate the valve asmall amount in the closeddirection3.Attempt to operate the valves oneither side of the valve inquestion and monitor forpressure changes4.None1-5.1-6.1-7.1-8.1-9.1-10.As part of a tag-out audit, which ofthe following entries is NOTrequired to be written in theINDEX/AUDIT RECORD section of thetag-out log?1.Date of the audit2.Discrepancies noted3.Number of tags checked4.Signature of the personconducting the auditA comprehensive look at the Navy’senvironmental pollution controlprogram can be found in which of thefollowing OPNAV instructions?1.3120.322.5100.193.5090.14.9094.1Which of the following individualsis authorized to inspect a space andto certify it safe for re-entryafter a hazardous material spillwhere no toxic gases or vapors arepresent?1.CDO2. DCA3.Fire marshal4.Each of the aboveA hazardous material spill that isconsidered detrimental to theenvironment requires which of thefollowing reports?1.OPREP-12.OPREP-23,OPREP-34.OPREP-4Primary casualty control trainingconcentrates on the control of whattype of casualties?1.Personnel2.Battle inflicted3.Single source4.Multiple sourceThe EOSS serves all EXCEPT which ofthe following purposes?1.To train unskilled operators2.To eliminate the need forskilled operators3.To schedule plant operations4.To control plant operations1
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