odd size or shape that is not available. You could forge
the hinges, but it is usually quicker and cheaper to
fabricate them in a manner shown in figure 13-66. The
leaf is cut from a heavy gauge sheet metal. The eye is
cut from either pipe or tubing. Small, lightweight
hinges can be made from sheet metal, with the eye or
sleeve being formed in much the same way that a wired
edge is turned.
Fabricating a Padeye
Padeyes are installed aboard ships in areas where
lifting of heavy items are required. Most ships,
especially submarines, have detailed drawings that list
the type and location of all permanently installed
padeyes. Sometimes, you may have to fabricate
padeyes in a particular size or shape, depending on the
specific application and weight requirements. You
should always manufacture padeyes according to
blueprints or ship's drawings. If no blueprints exist for
your ship, use a standard blueprint for padeyes before
attempting to manufacture and install padeyes of any
type. All padeyes subjected to any load, or where the
safety of personnel might be endangered, must be tested
before being put into service.
Fabricating a Scupper Drain
The scupper drain (fig. 13-67) may be made by
rolling steel plate to a half round shape of the required
diameter or by cutting a piece of pipe lengthwise in
half. The half round pipe or rolled steel plate is then
welded to a flat piece of plate that is slightly shorter
and slightly wider than the drain. The flat plate is
then bolted to clips that are welded to the shell of the
ship. The scupper discharges water into the pipe just
above the flat plate.
Fabricating a Boom Cradle
Another job sometimes needed on board ship is the
fabrication of a boom cradle (fig. 13-68) to support a
boom when it is not in use. A boom cradle can be made
Figure 13-64.--Cast clevis (top) and fabricated clevis.
from a piece of plate of suitable thickness. Lay out the
required dimensions on the plate. Use a cutting torch
Fabricating Hinges
to cut a semicircular opening in the top of the plate to
accommodate the boom. After the cradle has been cut
Hinges of many types and sizes can be drawn from
out and ground smooth, it is ready to be welded to the
stock. Once in awhile, you will find that you need an