coverings that are not discussed in this chapter may be
obtained from NSTM, chapter 634.
In general, an existing deck covering in
The tile and the roll decking must meet the fire
satisfactory condition should not be replaced even if
requirements of MIL-STD-1623. Rubber tile or roll
it does not agree with the materials listed for the
deck coverings should be installed one-eighth of an
specific space. New deck coverings should be
inch thick, except where durability is required for the
installed only where existing authorized deck
heaviest traffic areas. In this case, the thickness should
coverings are beyond economical repair. When repairs
be three-sixteenths of an inch. The adhesive used to
are required, they should be performed locally if
cement vinyl asbestos tile may be used for the rubber
possible. When complete removal and reinstallation
decking materials, as well as other
of a new deck covering is required, an approved deck
NAVSEA-approved equivalents. Immediately after
covering for the specific location should be installed.
the installation of the rubber decking, the deck should
be rolled thoroughly in both directions with a
A deck covering should cover the entire deck area
150-pound sectional roller.
of a compartment unless otherwise specified, except
that it should not be installed under enclosed built-in
furniture nor under equipment with enclosed
All deck covering and adhesives should be stored
Before laying any type of deck covering, be sure
for at least 24 hours at a temperature of 70F or higher
that the deck is clean and free of rust, loose scale, and
prior to installation. Spaces should be maintained at a
dirt; grease and oil should be removed with solvents
temperature of at least 70F prior to, during, and 24
and clean rags. Paint and primers that adhere strongly
hours after the installation is completed. A beading
to the deck may be left intact unless otherwise
sealer should be used to waterproof all seams against
bulkheads, stationary furniture, pipes, and other deck
Certain adhesives and compounds used in the
fittings. Where weld lines (beads) prevent the deck
application of deck coverings contain flammable
covering from butting tightly against the ship's
solvents. Safety and health measures to be taken
structure, caulking compound should be used to fill
the gap, and painted to blend with the deck tile or
depend upon the flash points and toxicity of the
bulkhead after the caulking compound skins over.
solvents. Be sure to comply with all applicable safety
Alternatively, weld lines against bulkheads may be
made even by filling underlay material and the tile
butted against the bulkhead. This latter method
produces a better appearance. If desired, the tile may
be squared off where it is in the way of vertical
Marbleized fire-retardant vinyl tile, one-eighth of
stiffeners and stanchions.
an inch thick, is the standard Navy deck tile approved
for shipboard use. Vinyl tile is stocked in eight
marbleized colors.
Preparation of Steel Decks
Deck tile should be laid over bare wood, plastic,
Steel decks must be clean, free from oil, grease,
or cleaned base metal that has been primed with
rust, and loose scale. It is not necessary to remove red
formula 150 MIL-P-24441. Tile must not be installed
lead or zinc-chromate priming paint, or deck paint if
more than two layers thick because the additional
they are well bonded to the deck; otherwise, loose
layers increase the fire hazard. In general, when laying
paint, rust, and scale should be removed by blasting,
new tile, remove tile down to base metal or wood if
wire brushing, or any other effective method. The deck
two layers have previously been installed. Prime the
should then be washed with approved solvents to
deck to prevent corrosion if it is made of metal.
Fire-retardant deck tile should conform to
with formula 150, 2- to 4-mils dry-film thickness. If
M I L - T - 1 8 8 3 0 or other NAVSEA-approved
possible, weld seams should be ground flush with the
equivalent, and they should be installed with a latex
deck, and all low spots should be filled with underlay,
MIL-D-3135, type II. All high spots should be ground
cement, except in damp or wet areas where it is
down, if possible, or faired with underlay before
advisable to use an epoxy adhesive.