DENSITY—The weight per unit volume of asubstance.DIAGRAM, COMBINATION—A drawingusing a combination of graphical, cutaway, andpictorial symbols.DIAGRAM, CUTAWAY—A drawing show-ing principal internal parts of all components,controls, and actuating mechanisms, all inter-connecting lines and functions of individualcomponents.DIAGRAM, GRAPHICAL—A drawing ordrawings showing each piece of apparatusincluding all interconnecting lines by approvedstandard symbols.DIAGRAM, PICTORIAL—A drawing show-ing each component in its actual shape accordingto the manufacturer’s installation.DIAGRAM, SCHEMATIC—(See Diagram,graphical.)DIAPHRAGM—A dividing membrane orthin partition.DIFFUSER—A duct of varying cross sectiondesigned to convert a high-speed gas flow intolow-speed at an increased pressure.DISPLACEMENT—The volume of fluid thatcan pass through a pump, motor, or cylinder ina single revolution or stroke.DIVERGENT—Moving away from eachother, as the inner wall of a tube that flaresoutward.EFFICIENCY—The ratio of the outputpower to the input power, generally expressed asa percentage.ENERGY—The ability or capacity to dowork.EQUILIBRIUM—A state of balance betweenopposing forces or actions.FAHRENHEIT—The temperature scale usingthe freezing point of water as 32 and the boilingpoint as 212, with 180 equal divisions between,called degrees.FEEDBACK—A transfer of energy from theoutput of a device to its input.FILTER—A device whose primary functionis the retention by a porous media of insolublecontaminants from a fluid.FILTER ELEMENT—The porous device thatperforms the actual process of filtration.FILTER MEDIA—The porous materials thatperform the actual process of filtration.FILTER MEDIA, SURFACE—Porousmaterials that primarily retain contaminants onthe influent face.FLASH POINT—The temperature to whicha liquid must be heated under specified conditionsof the test method to give off sufficient vapor toform a mixture with air that can be ignitedmomentarily by a specified flame.FLOW, LAMINAR—A flow situation inwhich fluid moves in parallel layers (also referredto as streamline flow).FLOW, METERED—Flow at a controlledrate.FLOW, TURBULENT—A flow situation inwhich the fluid particles move in a randommanner.FLOW RATE—The volume, mass, or weightof a fluid passing through any conductor per unitof time.FLOWMETER—An instrument used tomeasure quantity or the flow rate of a fluidmotion.FLUID—A liquid or a gas.FLUID FLOW—The stream or movement ofa fluid, or the rate of its movement.FLUID FRICTION—Friction due to theviscosity of fluids.FLUID, FIRE-RESISTANT—A fluiddifficult to ignite, which shows little tendency topropagate flame.AI-3
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