MOLECULE—A small natural particle ofmatter composed of two or more atoms.MOTOR—A device that converts fluid powerinto mechanical force and motion. It usuallyprovides rotary mechanical motion.MOTOR, FIXED-DISPLACEMENT—Amotor in which the displacement per unit ofoutput motion cannot be varied.MOTOR, LINEAR—(See Cylinder.)MOTOR, ROTARY—A motor capable ofcontinuous rotary motion.MOTOR, ROTARY LIMITED—A rotarymotor having limited motion.MOTOR, VARIABLE-DISPLACEMENT—A motor in which the displacement per unit ofoutput motion can be varied.NEOPRENE—A synthetic rubber highlyresistant to oil, light, heat, and oxidation.NEUTRALIZATION NUMBER—A mea-sure of the total acidity or basicity of an oil; thisincludes organic or inorganic acids or bases or acombination of them.OXIDATION—The process by which oxygenunites with some other substance, causing rust orcorrosion.PACKING—A class of seal that is used toprovide a seal between two parts of a unit whichmove in relation to each other.PASCAL’S LAW—A pressure applied to aconfined fluid at rest is transmitted with equalintensity throughout the fluid.PERIPHERY—The outside surface, espe-cially that of a rounded object or body.PIPE—A type of fluid line whose dimensionsare designated by nominal (approximate) insidediameter and wall thickness.PNEUMATICS—Engineering science per-taining to gaseous pressure and flow.PORT—An internal or external terminus ofa passage in a component.POTENTIAL ENERGY—The energy a sub-stance has because of its position, its condition,or its chemical composition.POUR POINT—The lowest temperature atwhich a liquid will flow under specified con-ditions.POWER UNIT—A combination of pump,pump drive, reservoir, controls, and conditioningcomponents which may be required for itsapplication.POWER—The rate of doing work or the rateof expanding energy.PRESSURE—The amount of force distrib-uted over each unit of area, usually expressed inpounds per square inch.PRESSURE, ABSOLUTE—The sum ofatmospheric and gauge pressures.PRESSURE, ATMOSPHERIC—Pressureexerted by the atmosphere at any specific location.PRESSURE, BACK—The pressure encoun-tered on the return side of a system.PRESSURE, DIFFERENTIAL—The dif-ference in pressure between any two points of asystem or a component.PRESSURE, HEAD—The pressure due to theheight of a column or body of fluid. It is usuallyexpressed in feet.PRESSURE, OPERATING—The pressure atwhich a system operates.PRESSURE, PRECHARGE—The pressureof compressed gas in an accumulator prior to theadmission of a liquid.PRESSURE, PROOF—The nondestructivetest pressure in excess of the maximum ratedoperating pressure.PRESSURE, STATIC—The pressure in afluid at rest.PRESSURE SWITCH—An electrical switchoperated by the increase or decrease of fluidpressure.AI-6
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