TM 55-2815-574-24
Coolant Filter and Conditioner
The engine cooling system filter and conditioner is a compact bypass type unit with a replaceable spin-on type
element. A correctly installed and properly maintained coolant filter and conditioner provides a cleaner engine
contributes to longer life of engine parts. The filter provides mechanical filtration by means of a closely packed
element through which the coolant passes. Any impurities such as sand and rust particles suspended in the
cooling system will be removed by the straining action of the element. The removal of these impurities will
contribute to longer water pump life and proper operation of the thermostat. The filter also serves to condition the
coolant by softening the water to minimize scale deposits, maintain an acid-free condition, and act as a rust
preventative. Corrosion inhibitors are placed in the element and dissolve into the coolant, forming a protective
rustproof film on all of the metal surfaces of the cooling system. The other components of the element perform the
function of cleaning and preparing the cooling passages while the corrosion inhibitors protect them.
The schematic illustrates the flow of oil through the 8V92TA engine lubrication system including the various
components such as the oil pump, full-flow oil filter, oil cooler, pressure regulator, and bypass valve.
Figure 10. Lubrication System.