Figure 13-43.--Standard parts and dies.
have to cut and trim the template until you get the proper
fit. Figure 13-44 demonstrates some of the more
common uses for templates.
As a shipfitter, you will need to build targets from
time to time when you manufacture numerous identical
If the piece has a marked curvature, you will also
items or make repairs to structures that have numerous
need to make a SET (or gauge) to use as a guide while
attachments that must be removed. You may also build
you roll the new part to the correct shape.
a target to maintain certain dimensions or tolerances.
Targets will be discussed in greater detail in the chapter
on pipefitting and repair (chapter 16) but has similar
applications to the shipfitter as well.
A set is merely a narrow bar or strip of soft iron
bent to the required curvature. The set is made of
material that is the same thickness as the plate to be
used. If the curvature is complex, more than one set will
You will find the erection aids, shown in figure
be required. Once the lift template and necessary sets
13-46, to be very useful in fitting plate to the curvature
are made, the new plate can be laid out. A lift template
of structures where it is not feasible to use the power
and set for a shell plate are shown in figure 13-45.
bending machines. Erection aids are also used to align