1. Adjustable Stop Gauge
2. Main Frame
3. Swinging Frame
4. Center Pin
Figure 13-42.--Hossfeld Bender.
an understanding of the use of templates, targets, and
technical manual when setting the proper dies for the
erection aids, and the procedure used to figure bend
task at hand. Each die will be labeled with a
number/letter combination to identify its use. An
example of a die is 13B4, which is a grooved pipe
bending die 2 inches in diameter. The dies are mounted
on the frames at predetermined holes by pins. As with
the dies, the holes in the frame and pins are also labeled
A good deal of the plate work can be done by using
so that you will position the dies in the correct position.
lifting templates instead of actually developing
Figure 13-43 shows the standard parts and dies used
patterns. Templates for plate work are commonly made
with the Hossfeld Bender.
from cardboard, heavy rosin paper, or template wood.
Cardboard or paper are normally used for small parts
Hossfeld Bender Capacities.--The Hossfeld
and wood for larger sections. However, rosin paper can
Bender is used to bend pipe or tubing up to 2 inches in
be used to make a lift template of a plate that has
diameter, flat stock up to l/2 by 4 l/2 inches, 1 l/4-inch
practically no curvature. Clear white pine in varying
round or square stock, and 2-inch by 2-inch by
lengths, widths, and thicknesses is normally used as
3/l6-inch angle iron.
template wood. This material is soft and can be easily
cut with a jackknife.
To lift a template, you need to get the size and shape
of the piece, along with the size and location of all rivet
The fabrication of new items in the shop or on the
holes or other special features, directly from the frames,
job site will be your primary concern as a shipfitter. You
will often work off of blueprints to manufacture parts
stringers, plates, and other structures and around the
repair area. To obtain the template, temporarily attach
to specifications. At other times, you will be
manufacturing parts from preexisting parts and will be
the template material to the particular piece that the
required to make targets or templates to work from. For
template is to be lifted from. Then transfer an outline
you to function effectively in the shop, you need to have
of the piece to the template material. You will normally