During the home-port period, a pre-JI isconducted before the JI by the battalion embarkationofficer and the regiment embarkation staff from PortHueneme, California, or Gulfport, Mississippi. Whendeployed overseas, the pre-JI is performed byCOMSECOND/COMTHIRDNCB embarkationrepresentatives. The pre-JI includes the inspection ofall chalks of CESE, marriages and mobile loads ofCESE, hazardous materials, and Special HandlingData/Certification (DD Form 1387-2) (fig. 2-3), and463L pallet loads. The pre-JI allows the battaliontime to correct any discrepancies before the mainjoint inspection (JI).NOTE: Ensure members are licensed forCESE assigned. licenses can be checked during thisinspection.The JI is conducted by the battalionembarkation officer, regiment orCOMSECOND/COMTHIRD-NCB representatives,and the combat cargo officer of a ship or, foraircraft, the Departure Airfield Control Element(DACE) in conjunction with the U.S. Air ForceAirlift Control Element (ALCE). The jointinspection is recorded on the DD Form 2133 (fig.2-4).Information concerning the operationsof the marshaling area or joint inspectionsare provided in the MAC AffiliationTraining Program Airlift Planners Course,MAC pamphlet 50-13, and the NavalConstruction Force Embarkation Manual,COMSECOND/COMTHIRDNCBINST 3120.1series.CESE AND MATERIAL PREPARATIONUpon notification of the air det to mount-out,the battalion re-organizes and sets up a mount-outcontrol center (MOCC). The MOCC is under thedirection of the battalion executive officer. TheMOCC controls, coordinates, and monitors themovement of all personnel, supplies, and equipmentto the marshaling area. The MOCC and theembarkation staff control all aspects of an NMCBmount-out and serve as the coordinating center for allthe companies and battalion staff.During this period, the battalion is normallyorganized into 12-hour shifts. Alfa company isresponsible for all CESE preparation. The flow of theCESE through Alfa company is similar to the BEEPflow chart listed in chapter 1. During this timeperiod, the air det is usually involved in briefings,medical and dental checkups, administration officecheckups, and personnel readiness inspections.However, YOU need to schedule time to communicatewith Alfa company, and FOLLOW UP on the statusof CESE requested. Remember, the battalion ispreparing CESE and supplies for the air det that youwill have to live with.Embarking on an aircraft requiresspecial loading procedures for several typesof CESE assigned to the battalion TOA.These procedures are outlined in theFigure 2-3.—Special Handling Data/Certification, DD Form 1387-2.2-4
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