basic types of collateral equipage are componentcollateral equipageand tactical collateral equipage.COMPONENT collateral equipage consists ofitems, such as hoses for pumps and bits for the earthauger. These items are normally procured on the samecontract as the basic machine. The history jacket shouldcontain a list of the amount and types of componentcollateral equipage.TACTICAL collateral equipage consists of itemscommon to the equipment, such as top canvas andtarpaulin, bows and side racks, spare tire and rim, jackand lug wrench, and chains with hooks and binders.The collateral equipage custodian maintains aCollateral Custody Record Card, COMSECOND/COMTHIRDNCB 60 Form (fig. 6-15), for each lineitem of equipage for each unit of equipment. Theequipage custodian enters all outstanding requisitions,receipts, issues, location, losses, and annotates theallowance of a particular line item of equipage for eachCESE on the CB 60 form.The equipage custodian maintains the CB 60 formsin folders for each USN-numbered unit of CESE. TheCB 60 forms are pulled on the PM date to perform aninventory of mounted or stored collateral equipage foreach unit of CESE entering the shop. The equipagecustodian prepares a NAVSUP Form 1250-1 (fig. 6-16)or a 1250-2 (fig. 6-17) for lost, damaged or deterioratedcollateral equipment. Outstanding requisitions, amountof gear on hand, and the date inventoried are allFigure 6-17.—Non-NSN Requisition, NAVSUP Form 1250-2.6-23
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