In the cross half-lap joint, you should chisel the
A cross half-lap joint (fig. 3-24) between
waste out rather than saw it out. To make the
members of equal cross-section dimensions is laid
chiseling easier, remove as much stock as possible
out and cut as follows: If the members are of the
with the saw first. Saw a series of kerfs between the
same length and they are to lap each other at the
shoulder cuts. In chiseling, make a roughing cut
midpoint, place them face-to-face with ends flush.
down to just above the cheek line with a firmer
Then square a center line all the way around. To
chisel and mallet. Hold the chisel bevel down.
test the accuracy of the center calculation, turn one
Finish off the bottom with a paring chisel while
of the members end for end. If the center lines still
holding the chisel bevel up.
meet, the center location is correct.
You can use a circular saw to cut half-lap
When making a cross half-lap joint, you should
recesses and cross half-lap recesses. For an end
put the best wide surfaces up and mark each face
half-lap recess, set the table saw blade above the
plainly. Lay off one-half the width of a member on
table a distance equal to one-half the thickness of a
either side of the center lines; then, square the
member. Place the member against the miter
shoulder lines all the way around. Again check for
gauge, set it at 90 to the saw blade, and make the
accuracy by turning a member end for end. If the
shoulder cut. Take out the remaining waste by
shoulder lines meet, the layout is accurate. Next,
making as many recuts as necessary.
gauge one-half the thickness of a member. Do this
from the face of each member and score check lines
For a cross half-lap recess, you should proceed
on the edges between the shoulder lines. Next,
as follows: Set the table saw blade or dado head so
make the shoulder cuts, sawing from the back of the
its height above the table is equal to one-half the
lapping member and from the face of the lapped
thickness of a member. Then, place the member
against the miter gauge set at 90 to the saw blade
Figure 3-24.--Gross half-lap joint.