Never use a lifting magnet or a sling to raise
or handle a cylinder.
This chapter gave you a brief introduction to the
Be careful not to mix full and empty cylinders
handtools, power tools, and installed equipment used
in a stowage rack.
by HTs. The importance of caring for these tools
properly cannot be stressed enough. Learn to use them
Never tamper with safety devices on the
correctly and protect them from loss or damage. These
valves or cylinders.
tools will determine how well you perform your job.
Never store oxygen and acetylene cylinders in
Now you also have an understanding of the
the same immediate area.
operations and safety precautions of portable hand and
Be especially careful that you never strike an
power tools, pneumatic tools, grinders, drilling
arc on gas cylinders or sealed metal cylinders
machines, bandsaws, power hacksaws, and thread-
of any kind.
cutting tools. However, it would be to your advantage
to read the manufacturers' operating manuals for all
Acetylene and low-pressure fuel-gas cylin-
of shop tools and equipment. You should also review
ders, which have been stowed in a horizontal
the section on compressed-gas cylinders and the safety
position, must be placed in a vertical position
precautions involved with them. You will find that you
for at least 2 hours before you use them. This
will allow the porous filler material inside the
will work with some aspect of compressed-gas
cylinder to settle.
cylinders almost every day.