Figure 4-20.--Sharp radii cutting eliminated by drilling
corner holes.
Figure 4-19.--Angular cutting.
4. Determine the proper band speed and set the
have done that, reinstall the band and the machine is
machine speed accordingly.
ready to make the inside cut as illustrated in
5. Start the machine and feed the work to the saw
in the manner described in the general rules of
operation given in the preceding section. Use
DISK CUTTING.--You can do disk cutting
the left-right control for guiding the work
offhand if you lay out the circle on the workpiece and
along the layout line.
follow the layout circle, or you can use a disk cutting
attachment that automatically guides the work so that
ANGULAR CUTTING.--Make angular or
bevel cuts on flat pieces the same way as straight cuts
except you should tilt the table to the desired angle of
CONTOUR CUTTING.--You can do contour
cutting, that is, following straight, angle, and curved
layout lines, offhand or with the power feed. Use the
the work along the layout line when you use power
feed. A fingertip control to actuate the sprocket is
located at the edge of the work table. If there are
square corners in the layout, drill a hole adjacent to
each corner; this will permit the use of a wider band,
shows the placement of corner holes on a contour
cutting layout.
INSIDE CUTTING.--To make an inside cut,
drill a starting hole slightly larger in diameter than the
width of the band you are going to use. Remove the
band from the machine. Shear the band, slip one end
through the hole, and then splice the band. When you