power trials shall be conducted with a minimum 75percent liquid load at the commencement of the trial.During the trials, fleet and type commanders mustensure machinery alignments are according to heatbalance diagrams, propulsion operating guides, andapplicable technical documentation.Compile InformationThe information compiled during the full powertrial must be entered on standard forms used for all gasturbine-powered ships. All the following forms exceptthe one shown in figure 1-9 are available through normalsupply channels according to NAVSUP P-2002. Figure1-6 is the trial transmittal letter (cover sheet), OPNAVform 9094/1A, NSN 0107-LF-090-9405. Figure 1-7 issheet 1 of 2 of the trial data form, OPNAV form9094/1D, NSN 0107-LF-090-9440. Figure 1-8 is sheet2 of 2 of the trial data form, OPNAV form 9094/1D,N S N 0 1 0 7 - L F - 0 9 0 - 9 4 4 5 . V i e w A s h o w s p l a n tcondition data for 1A GTE, while view B shows data for1B GTE. The form shown in figure 1-9 is not availablein the supply system, but it is the standard format usedto report the actual propulsion plant condition to thechief observer before a full power or even an economytrial commences.Disseminate InformationFor you to properly disseminate the information,you must be familiar with all operating characteristicsof your plant. In other words, you need to go back tothe basics and use all the guidelines provided in theEOSS and applicable technical manuals. If thereadings are improperly disseminated, it could meanthe difference between a satisfactory or unsatisfactorytrial.ECONOMY TRIALSEconomy trials in most cases will be scheduled onthe same day as the full power trials. They are usuallyscheduled in this manner because of the ship’scompetitive exercise schedule and the availability ofobservers.Just because these trials are usuallyconducted together does not mean their accomplishmentperiodicity is the same. Economy trial periodicity isestablished by your fleet and type commanders. Fleetand type commanders also must be sure machineryalignments during economy trials conform top r o p u l s i o n o p e r a t i n g g u i d e s a n d N A V S E A ,SL101-AA-GYD-010, Energy Conservation.All the economy trial report forms are the same asthose used for the full power trials. Refer again tofigures 1-6 through 1-8. The forms are the same, butthe information entered in the equipment operatingsections of these forms may differ. However, if bothtrials are accomplished on the same day, theinformation provided on the form shown in figure 1-9will be the same.DRAFT REPORTSReports of all satisfactory and unsatisfactoryengineering trials must be provided to Commander,Naval Sea Systems Command (SEA56X1). The reportof an unsatisfactory trial is particularly important. Itprovides information on design or material problemsthat preclude a successful trial.MARINE GAS TURBINE EQUIPMENTLOGBOOKSThe Navy deploys gas turbine equipment inpropulsion and ship-services systems in its surfacefleet. Selection of gas turbine equipment for thesesystems reflects a commitment to increase shipavailability through reduction in system downtime.Gas turbine equipment combines acceptablereliability and onboard maintenance features withease of removal and replacement. System downtimeand lower shipboard manning levels have beenrealized through properly directed maintenance andlogistic support, and reliability and maintainabilityimprovement efforts.Service records, as described in this section, areused to retain significant historical operating andm a i n t e n a n c e d a t a o f g a s t u r b i n e e q u i p m e n ttransferred between shipboard installations and repairor rework facilities.Service records provide aconsolidated source of background informationavailable to personnel conducting and analyzingmaintenance activity.All gas turbine records are designed according tot h e 3 - M M a i n t e n a n c e D a t a S y s t e m ( M D S )organizational (ship) maintenance data collection orreporting requirements. They are particularly importantbecause of the interface in marine gas turbine equipmentsupport between shipboard organizational maintenanceand shore-based depot maintenance.The use of service records and logbooks is similarto the approach applied successfully in NAVAIR formany years in the aircraft jet engine community.1-19
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