3.4 .5 .The commanding officer authorizes the final penand ink change to EOSS according to messageguidance.NAVWARCENSSES forwards advance copiesof the corrected document(s) to the ship within15 working days of the guidance message.NAVWARCENSSES forwards final laminateddocuments to the ship within 3 months of theguidance message.Routine FeedbacksA routine EOSS feedback is one of two categories,A or B. Category A feedbacks are used to request EOSSmaterials. Category B feedbacks describe technicaldiscrepancies that are not urgent. Recommendedrevisions could be an addition or deletion, or a changein the sequence of steps, the parameters, or the diagrams.PREPARATION.— Submit routine feedbacksusing the Planned Maintenance System (PMS) form,OPNAV 4790/7B. Each revision requested requires aseparate form.If the same change is requested forseveral documents, it may be explained once and thenlisted on the documents affected. Rearranging severalsteps in a document because of a single technical changecounts as one revision. On the other hand, more thanone technical recommendation in a single documentrequires more than one form. The printed informationon the PMS form does not apply to EOSS. Maintain aseparate EOSS feedback system. When using this formfor EOSS the following instructions apply:1. Fill in the ship’s name in the FROM block.2. In the SERIAL # block, fill in a EOSS feedbacknumber consisting of the year and the feedback’ssequential position.Routine feedbacks musthave a different set of feedback numbers thanurgent feedbacks. Category A and B routinefeedbacks should share the same set of numbers.3. In the DATE block, fill in the date the feedbackis to be mailed.4. In the TO block, mark the appropriate square forcategory A or B feedbacks. For category Af e e d b a c k s w r i t e N A V W A R C E N S S E SPhiladelphia in the space provided.5. Mark the SUBJECT block as follows:a.b.c.In the SYSTEM block, fill in either EOP orEOCC as appropriate.In the SYSCOM MIP block, fill in thedocument code number (for example,TG/0471/0980 and HBWL/0099/0980).Leave the APL and SYSCOM MRC blocksblank.6. Leave the DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEMblock blank except when you are commentingon a procedure that has not been finalized foryour use. In that case mark the OTHER blockwith the words, HOT CHECKS. Situationswhen this would apply include a package thathas been hot checked but not approved andinstalled, a package that belongs to another shipof the class, or before one ship’s development,7. Fill in the REMARKS section as follows:a. For category A feedbacks be specific.(1)(2)(3)(4)Documents; specify code number(s) ofdocument(s) needed and the number oflaminated (max 2) and unlaminatedcopies requested.Holders; specify type (single and/ordouble) and number of each requested.Covers; specify type (EOP and/orEOCC) and number of each requested.Twisties; specify size (4-3/4", 5-3/4", or8") and number-of each requested.b. For category B feedbacks, be as clear aspossible. The more precise you are, thefaster a response can be generated(1)(2)(3)(4)Identify the location of the problem inthe EOSS document.Describe the problem and recommend asolution.Reference your justification for thechange where applicable. Provide acopy of the reference pages that supportyour recommendationUse the unlaminated logroom copy,make a photocopy of the procedure, andmark it to reflect your recommendationAttach a duplicate of the unlaminatedcopy to the 4790/7B form. Do not use ayellow marker because it will notphotocopy. Do not obscure the original1-17
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