m. Decontaminate personnel and equipmentn. Package residual contaminated materials for disposalo. Stow equipment and unused materials in spill kit and return kit to storagep. Make follow-up reports to NOSC via appropriate message formats in OPNAVINST 5090.1SAFETY: Ensure the safety of all personnel and equipment.MARKING FACTORS1. Preparation. Evaluate adequacy of preparation including but not limited to the following:MAXIMUMSCORECREDITa. Spill cleanup kit available5b. Spill contingency plan available5c. Spill cleanup team briefing adequate52. Damage Control organization:a. Spillage reported efficiently5b. Immediate response adequate20c. Message notification adequate5d. Spill cleanup personnel level of knowledge in:(1) Use of equipment10(2) Use of materials10e. Speed and efficiency of the cleanup operation20f. Safety of personnel throughout all aspects of theoperation15MAXIMUM SCORE 100T0TAL SCOREFigure 1-4.—Spill drill for oil—Continued.damage to components, the system, or the engineeringProficiency in EOCC procedures is maintainedplant.through a well-administered training program. PrimaryThe EOCC manuals are available to personnel intraining concentrates on the control of single-sourcetheir own machinery space so that they can be used as acasualties. These are casualties that may be attributedto the failure or malfunction of a single component ormeans of self-indoctrination. These manuals also canthe failure of piping at a specific point in a system.be used to improve casualty control procedureAdvanced training concentrates on the control oftechniques for all watch standers. The manuals containmultiple casualties or on conducting a battle problem.documentation to assist engineering personnel inAn effective, well-administered EOCC trainingdeveloping and maintaining maximum proficiency inprogram must contain, as a minimum, the followingcontrolling casualties to the ship’s propulsion plant.elements:1-13
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