text or the reference, because this will
cause a delay in answering your request.
8. In the signature blocks, indicate with an
asterisk* the person who would serve as the
best point of contact. Make sure the name is
legible and include phone numbers when
possible. The 3-M COORDINATOR block
must be signed by the EOSS coordinator. Note
that the EOSS feedback system is separate
from the PMS system. The distribution of the
feedback copies is as follows:
W h i t e , y e l l o w , a n d p i n k c o p i e s t o
NAVWARCENSSES Philadelphia for
category A feedbacks or to the TYCOM for
category B feedbacks. If the TYCOM
determines that the NAVWARCENSSES
action is appropriate, they will forward the
w h i t e
a n d
y e l l o w
c o p i e s t o
NAVWARCENSSES. The white copy will
be returned with the requested material for
category A feedbacks. No copies will be
returned for category B feedbacks.
The blue copy is retained by the EOSS
The green copy is retained by the originating
work center.
Feedbacks are processed as
quickly as possible.
Generally, the more compre-
hensively prepared a feedback is, the easier it is to
answer. Do all the homework you can before submitting
a feedback.
1 . C a t e g o r y A f e e d b a c k s a r e s e n t t o
NAVWARCENSSES. The items requested are
forwarded within 21 working days of the
request receipt.
2. Category B feedbacks are screened by the
TYCOM and may be answered by them and
returned to you. This could occur when your
recommended change is not according to their
policy or EOSS program policy. When your
T Y C O M f o r w a r d s t h e f e e d b a c k t o
NAVWARCENSSES, there are three possible
a. ConcurAdvance copies of the revised
document(s) will be forwarded.
b. Do not concurAn explanation of the
reason for nonconcurrence will be
forwarded within 21 working days of
OtherAdvance and final copies will be
forwarded as with concur items. An
explanation of the partial concurrence will
accompany the advance copies.
3. Annotations for routine feedbacks are limited
to documenting authorized configuration
changes. Routine procedural/parameter pen
and ink changes are not authorized.
Make Local Changes to Manuals
L o c a l c h a n g e s
AUTHORIZED except as described in section 4 of
chapter 1 of the EOSS Users Guide. Only NAV-
WARCENSSES can approve and issue changes to the
NAVSEA-installed EOSS.
As a GS supervisor, full power and economy trials
will be a very important part of your responsibilities.
Through proper leadership and training these trials can
be proof of your management skills. They are proof of
your ability to maintain your propulsion equipment at
peak levels of performance.
Although FXP-4 mobility (MOB) exercises
delineate general requirements for conducting
engineering trials, inconsistencies have developed
among different naval commands in levying
different requirements for full power and economy
trials for nonnuclear surface ships. Full power and
economy trial requirements are based partially on
calculations and partially on design requirements.
It is not economically feasible to conduct full-scale
trials to document every possible condition.
Therefore, to avoid confusion, the reporting system
for trial results is found in OPNAVINST 9094.1,
Full Power and Economy Trial Requirements for
Non-nuclear Surface Ship Classes.
In this section we will briefly discuss the
performance of these trials and the processing of data
needed to complete the required reports.
A full power trial must be conducted annually for a
minimum duration of one hour and at a minimum depth
of water as prescribed in NSTM, chapter 094. All full