Cold Plant
During a ships scheduled PMA/SRA/ROH, Naval
Warfare Center Ships System Engineering Station
(NAVWARCENSSES) Philadelphia will schedule an
EOSS verification check (cold plant) approximately 4
weeks prior to the end of the ships availability. This
will ensure that all system modifications/installations
affecting EOSS are completed before the check in order
to permit an accurate update.
At the end of the verification check a copy of the
affected EOSS documentation must be annotated and
given to the ship for review and use when approved by
the commanding officer. The annotated documents will
be used until the final laminated EOSS is received
(usually within 12 weeks).
Hot Plant
The hot plant checks are conducted just as the name
describes. This means the plant is fully operational, and
the checks are normally performed as a training
evolution in the form of casualty control drills. These
checks are usually used to fine tune watch-stander
efficiency and identify procedural deficiencies.
Since the EOCC procedures makeup only part of
the overall EOSS, we will discuss the use of the EOSS
feedback system.
The EOSS feedback system is the
means by which you may make changes in your EOSS.
Any naval activity may originate these requests. The
information in this section will cover the proper
preparation of feedback reports and other aspects of the
feedback system.
You must submit feedbacks to accomplish the
1. Obtain replacement documents, holders, covers,
and twisties.
2. Recommend approval of revisions for:
a. Procedural changes to correct document
b. Configuration changes for authorized
equipment or piping installations.
Feedback reports should NOT be submitted just
because the EOSS conflicts with other technical
guidance. The EOSS always supersedes other
guidance! An EOSS feedback should be submitted only
when the EOSS is suspected to be in error. Feedback
on other documentation such as technical manuals
should be submitted via its respective system.
Urgent Feedbacks
An urgent EOSS feedback report describes a
technical discrepancy that could cause damage to
equipment or injury to personnel. This category was
established to provide rapid resolution of EOSS
technical discrepancies related to genuine operational
PREPARATION. Submit urgent feedbacks by
priority message to NAVWARCENSSES Philadelphia.
Information addresses must include COMNAVSEA-
SYSCOM Washington, DC, and your TYCOM. They
must contain the following information:
1 .
An urgent EOSS feedback number consisting of
the year and feedbacks sequential position based
upon earlier urgent feedbacks youve submitted
that year. For example, 93-2; the 93 represents
the year and the 2 shows this as the second urgent
feedback in 1993.
The code number of the EOSS procedure(s)
involved (for example, BLF/O21/0585).
A detailed description of the problem.
T h e r e c o m m e n d e d s o l u t i o n c i t i n g
appropriate justification and any reference
Review each urgent feedback to be certain the
feedbacks a valid urgent submission as defined
in the EOSS users guide.
PROCESSING. An urgent feedback report is
processed in the following manner:
1 .
T h e c o m m a n d i n g o f f i c e r a u t h o r i z e s a
preliminary pen and ink change to the EOSS
p e n d i n g o f f i c i a l g u i d a n c e f r o m t h e
NAVWARCENSSES will provide guidance by
message. This is done in 1 to 10 working days
depending upon the complexity of the issue.
TYCOM monitors and provides assistance as