Figure 7-14.--Flat, horizontal, vertical, and overhead
Figure 7-13.--Root penetration and joint penetration of groove
positions for welding.
In the HORIZONTAL position of welding (fig.
View B, however, shows how a
7-14, view B), the structural members of the joint
difference may exist between root penetration and
are in an approximately vertical position while the
joint penetration. View D shows joint penetration
line of weld (axis) is approximately horizontal. A
horizontal position fillet weld is slightly different
from that of a horizontal groove weld. Welding a
fillet in the horizontal position involves depositing
filler metal on the upper size of a horizontal surface
Welding is performed in several different
and against an approximately vertical surface. The
positions. In plate work, as shown in figure 7-14,
face of a fillet weld lies in a plane approximately 45
these positions are flat, horizontal, vertical, and
to the surfaces of the parts joined.
overhead. When welding is performed in the FLAT
position (fig. 7-14, view A), the welder works from
When welding is performed in the VERTICAL
the upper side of the joint. In this position, the
position (fig. 7-14, view C), the axis of the weld is in
upper surface of the weld deposit metal is in a
a vertical plane. In the vertical position, weld metal
horizontal plane. Note that this is the case in both
is usually deposited in an upward direction.
flat position fillet and groove welds.