Figure 5-7.—Mechanically operated tube bender.slide bar is moved around until the mark on theslide bar reaches the desired degree of bend onthe radius block. See figure 5-6 for the sixprocedural steps intube bending with thehand-operated tube bender.MECHANICAL TUBE BENDER.— Thetube bender shown in figure 5-7 is issued as a kit.The kit contains the equipment necessary forbending tubing from 1/4 inch to 3/4 inch indiameter.This tube bender is designed for use withaircraft grade, high-strengths stainless-steeltubing, as well as all other metal tubing. It isdesigned to be fastened to a bench or tripod. Thebase is formed to provide a secure grip in a vise.This type of tube bender uses a hand crankand gears. The forming die is keyed to the drivegear and is secured by a screw.The forming die on the mechanical tubebender is calibrated in degrees, similarly to theradius block of the hand bender. A length ofreplacement tubing may be bent to a specifiednumber of degrees or it may be bent to duplicatea bend either in a damaged tube or in a pattern.Duplicating a bend of a damaged tube or of apattern is done by laying the sample or patternon top of the tube being bent and slowly bendingthe new tube to the required bend.Tube FlaringTube flaring is a method of forming the endof a tube into a funnel shape so it can be held bya threaded fitting. When a flared tube is prepared,a flare nut is slipped onto the tube and the endof the tube is flared. During tube installation, theflare is seated to a fitting with the inside of theflare against the cone-shaped end of the fitting,and the flare nut is screwed onto the fitting,pulling the inside of the flare against the seatingsurface of the fitting.Either of two flaring tools (fig. 5-8) may beused. One gives a single flare and the other givesa double flare. The flaring tool consists of a splitdie block that has holes for various sizes of tubing,Figure 5-8.—Flaring tools.5-7
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