Figure 13-19.--Removing a broken bolt and retapping the hole
to a larger size.
Figure 13-17.--Removing a broken bolt with a prick punch.
If a bolt has been broken off flush with the surface,
you may sometimes back it out with light blows on a
Figure 13-20.--Removing a broken tap with locking pliers.
To drill out a broken bolt and retap the hole, file the
bolt smooth, if necessary, and centerpunch it. Then
select a twist drill that is a little smaller than the tap-drill
remaining part of the bolt away and will eventually
size for the particular bolt that has been broken. As
break through the bottom of the bolt. When this
happens, all that will remain of the bolt will be a
quite touch the crests of the threads in the threaded hole
threaded shell. With a prick punch or other suitable tool,
or the roots of the threads on the threaded bolt. Carefully
chip out and remove the first two or three threads, if
start drilling at the center punch mark Crowd the drill
possible, at the top of the shell. Then carefully start a
one way or the other as necessary so that the hole will
tapered tap into these clean threads and continue
be drilled in the exact center of the bolt.
Figure 13-18.--Removing a broken bolt and retapping the hole to the same size.