weld-repair the plug cock and machine it back to
blueprint specifications. If you need to repair the
strainer body, you will usually hone it, and in some
cases you will use an oversized O-ring. Consult local
type commander and QA procedures for the best
method. Check with the shop's leading petty officer
before you undertake any repair procedures.
The repairs you may do on pressure seal bonnet
the scat and disk and the manufacture of silver seals.
Sometimes you may manufacture parts or be involved
in a weld-repair. Always follow your controlled work
package carefully.
Figure 13-12.--1500-pound pressure seal bonnet globe valve.
Fireman, NAVEDTRA 12001, provides a descrip-
tion of the common types and uses of pumps aboard
Repairing Duplex Strainer Plug Valves
ship. You will do most of your pump repairs on centrifu-
The most common reason to repair duplex strainers
gal pumps, so we'll limit this discussion to that type.
is scored or chipped O-ring grooves or scored or
gal pump. Look at the arrangement of the impeller,
scratched liners. In some cases you may need to
Figure 13-13.--Two-stage main feed pump.