straightedge, template, or pattern at its point of
contact with the surface of the metal.
To scribe a line on stock with a combination
Figure 2-15.--Laying out parallel lines with a combination
square, place the squaring head on the edge of the
either edge of the blade. The line will be square with
the edge of the stock against which the squaring head
is held; that is, the angle between the line and the edge
To scribe a line parallel to an edge with a
will be 90.
the edge while the other leg scribes the line. Hold the
To draw lines parallel to an edge using a
caliper so the line will be scribed at the desired
combination square, extend the blade from the
distance from the edge of the stock.
squaring head the required distance, such as the
at this position. Scribe a line parallel to the edge of
the stock by holding the scratch awl, or scribe, at the
end of the blade as you move the square along the
edge. All lines so scribed, with different blade
To lay out a 45-degree angle on stock with a
settings, will be parallel to the edge of the stock and
combination square, place the squaring head on the
parallel to each other.
Figure 2-16.--Laying out a parallel line with a hermaphrodite
Figure 2-14.--Using the combination square.