Figure 7-74.--Milling a Woodruff keyseat.
machine table. You will hold the cutter on an arbor, or
available, use the following formula to determine the
in a spring collet or drill chuck that has been
correct value:
mounted in the spindle of the milling machine, as
Total depth (T) = d + f
In milling the keyseat, locate the cutter centrally
d (depth of the keyseat) = H
over the position in which the keyseat will be cut and
parallel with the axis of the work Raise the work by
using the hand vertical feed until the revolving cutter
H = total height of the key
tears a piece of paper held between the teeth of the
W = width of the key
cutter and the work. At this point, set the graduated
dial on the vertical feed at ZERO and set the clamp on
The most accurate way to check the depth of a
the table. With the graduated dial as a guide, raise the
Woodruff keyseat is to insert a Woodruff key of the
work by hand until the full depth of the keyseat is cut.
correct size in the keyseat. Measure over the key and
If specifications for the total depth of cut are not