1. Mount the index head the same way, only
8. Engage the power feed and the coolant flow.
with the spindle in a horizontal position. The
9. When the cut is finished, stop the spindle and
feed will be in a vertical direction.
return the work to the starting point.
2. Insert a center into the spindle and align it
10. Loosen the index head spindle lock.
with the footstock center.
11. Rotate the work one-half revolution with the
3. Select and mount the desired end mill,
index crank.
preferably one whose diameter is slightly
12. Tighten the index head spindle lock.
greater than the length of the flat you are to
13. Take another cut on the work.
4. Mount the work between centers. Make sure
14. When this cut is finished, stop the cutter and
that the drive dog is holding the work
return the work to the starting point.
15. Measure the distance across the flats to
5. Set the machine for roughing speed and feed.
determine whether the cutter is removing the
same amount of metal from both sides of the
6. Pick up the side of the work and set the
work. If not, check your calculations and the
graduated cross-feed dial at ZERO.
setup for a possible mistake.
7. Lower the work until the cutter clears the
16. If the work measures as it should, loosen the
index head spindle lock and rotate the work
one-quarter revolution, tighten the lock, and
8. Move the work until the end of the work is
take another cut.
clear of the cutter.
17. Return the work to the starting point again.
9. Align the cutter with the end of the work.
Use a square head and rule, as shown in
18. Loosen the spindle lock.
19. Rotate the work one-half revolution.
NOTE: Turn the machine off before you align
20. Take the fourth cut.
the cutter by this method.
21. Return the work again to the starting point
10. Move the table a distance equal to the length
and set the machine for finishing speed and
of the flat desired.
11. Move the saddle the distance required for the
22. Now, finish machine opposite sides (1 and 3),
roughing depth of cut.
u s i n g the same procedures already
12. While feeding the work vertically, machine
side 1. Lower the work to below the cutter
23. Check the distance across these sides. If it is
when you have completed the cut.
correct, finish machine the two remaining
13. Loosen the index head spindle lock and index
the work one-half revolution to machine the
24. Deburr the work and check it for accuracy.
flat opposite side 1.
NOTE: You can also machine a square or
14. Tighten the lock.
hexagon with the index head spindle in the horizontal
15. Engage the power feed. After completing the
use the horizontal setup, you must feed the work
cut, again lower the work to below the cutter
and stop the cutter.
16. Measure the distance across the two flats to
Square or Hexagon Work Mounted Between
check the accuracy of the cuts. If it is
c o r r e c t , index the work one-quarter
revolution to machine another side. When
Machining a square or hexagon on work mounted
you complete that side, lower the work, index
between centers is done in much the same manner as
one-half revolution, and machine the last
when the work is held in a chuck.