This training manual will provide information on
Another job description found in private industry
the tools and instruments used primarily by an MR.
is layout man. The requirement of this job is to lay
You can find additional information on tools used by
out work that is to be machined by someone else. An
the many different naval ratings in USE and CARE of
understanding of the operation and capabilities of the
different machines is required, as well as the ability to
read blueprints. As you progress in your training in
the MR rating you will become proficient in
interpreting blueprints and in planning the required
machining operations. You will find that laying out
The toolroom is relatively small, and a large
intricate parts is not so difficult with this knowledge.
quantity of different tools are stored there. It can
become very dangerous if all items are not kept stored
A third job description is set-up man, a job that
in their proper places. At sea the toolroom can be
requires considerable knowledge and skill, all within
especially hazardous if you don't secure all drawers,
what you can expect to gain as a MR. A set-up man is
bins, pegboards, and other storage facilities. Fire
responsible for placing each machine accessory and
hazards are sometimes overlooked in the toolroom.
cutting tool in the exact position required to permit
When you consider the flammable liquids and wiping
accurate production of work by a machine tool
rags stored in or issued from the toolroom, you realize
there is a real danger present.
An all-around machinist in private industry is the
As a toolroom keeper, you play a very important
job for which the average MR would qualify as far as
part in creating a safe working environment. Several
knowledge and skill are concerned. This person is
of your jobs are directly connected to the good
able to operate all machines in the shop and
working order and safe use of tools in the shop. If you
manufacture parts from blueprints. Some MRs will
issue an improperly ground twist drill to someone
advance their knowledge and skills throughout their
who does not have the experience to recognize the
defect, the chances of the person being injured if the
Navy career to the point that they can move into a job
drill "digs in" or throws the workpiece out of the drill
as a tool and die maker with little trouble. They also
press would be very real. A wrench that has been
acquire a thorough knowledge of engineering data
sprung or worn oversize can become a real
related to design limitations, shop math, and
"knucklebuster" to any unsuspecting user. An outside
metallurgy. There are many other related fields in
which an experienced MR could perform--
someone is trying to press fit two parts together using
instrument maker, research and development
a hydraulic press. The list of potential disasters that
machinist, toolroom operator, quality assurance
you can prevent is endless. The important thing to
inspector and, of course, the supervisory jobs such as
remember is that you as a toolroom keeper contribute
foreman or superintendent.
more to the mission of the Navy than first meets the
eye. If you are ever in doubt concerning toolroom
The obvious key to holding down a position of
safety, consult your supervisor or Navy Occupational
higher skill, responsibility, and pay is the same both in
Safety and Health (NAVOSH) Program Manual for
the Navy and in private industry. You must work
Forces Afloat, OPNAVINST 5100.19B.
hard, take advantage of the skills and knowledge of
those around you, and take pride in what you do
regardless of how unimportant it may seem to you.
You have a great opportunity ahead of you as an MR
You may be given responsibility for the operation
in the Navy; a chance to make your future more
of the tool crib or tool-issuing room. Make sure that
secure than it might have been.
the necessary tools are available and in good
Your proficiency as an MR is greatly influenced
condition and that an adequate supply of consumable
by your knowledge of tools and your skills in using
items (oil, wiping rags, bolts, nuts, and screws) is
them. You will need to become familiar with the
correct use and care of the many powered and
It's easy to operate and maintain a toolroom if the
nonpowered handtools, measuring instruments, and
correct procedures and methods are used to set up the
gauges you will use in your job.