Chapter 1 Administration and TrainingEngineers Bell Book Operating Records and ReportsFigure 1-1. Diesel Engine Operating Record-All Ships (front)Figure 1-2. Diesel Engine Operating Record-All Ships (back)Figure 1-3.Fuel and Water Report (front). Figure 1-4.Fuel and Water Report (back). Figure 1-5.Monthly Summary of Fuel Inventory and Steaming Hours Report, CINCLANTFLT Report 31004. Measure ProgramEquipment and Instrument Tag-OutTag-out LogsFigure 1-11.Danger/Caution Tag-out Record Sheet (front). Figure 1-12.Danger/Caution Tag-out Record Sheet (back). Tag-Out InformationProceduresProcedures, Continued - 14076_28Procedures, Continued - 14076_29Ship-to-Shop WorkEquipment TestsPotable Water SystemsSafety TrainingEngineering Operational Sequencing System (EOSS)Engineering Casualty ControlSymptoms of Operational CasualtiesWatch StandingOther Sources of InformationProgram ComponentsLevels of EssentialityChapter 2 Measuring and Repair InstrumentsDial/Vernier CaliperMicrometerSnap GaugeStrain/Deflection GaugeStroboscopeTorque AdaptersRidge ReamerCylinder HoneFigure 2-15.How to calculate applied torque. Engine Test EquipmentChapter 3 Internal Combustion EnginesAir and Water Pressure TestsRepairing the Engine Frame or BlockScored Cylinder LinersFigure 3-4.Liner before and after stoning.CausesInspecting, Testing, and Repairing Cylinder HeadsInspecting, Testing and Repairing Valves and Valve AssembliesLoose Valve SeatsBroken Valve SpringsFigure 3-14.Excessively band-ground valve. Rocker Arms and PushrodsInspecting and Repairing CamshaftsInspecting, Maintaining and Replacing Piston Rings and PistonsFigure 3-20.Ring groove shoulders due to wear.PistonsPiston Pins and Sleeve Bearings or BushingsInspecting, Maintaining and Repairing Connecting RodsRepairing Crankshafts and Journal BearingsBearing TroublesMeasuring Bearing ClearancesTroubleshooting Internal-Combustion EnginesEngine Fails to StartFigure 3-36.Troubles that may prevent a diesel engine from starting. Engine Can Be Cranked, but Fails to Start Faulty Air Starting Valves Electric Start MalfunctionInsufficient Fuel Supply Insufficient Compression Irregular Engine OperationMisfiring Obstruction in the Exhaust System Insufficient Intake Air Figure 3-39.Checking clearances of positive-displacement blower lobes. Engine Will Not Carry a LoadFuel Control RacksLeakage of Fuel OilFigure 3*42. Additional causes of irregular engine operationCylinder Safety ValvesSymptoms of Engine TroubleSmokeFigure 3-44. Possible sources of trouble when a gasoline engine fails to start.Troubleshooting Gasoline EnginesStarter Motor Operates but Does not Crank EngineEngine Fails to StopFuel and Oil PurifiersSummary - 14076_99Chapter 4 Speed Controlling DevicesMechanical GovernorsOverspeed Safety Devices - 14076_103Summary - 14076_104Chapter 5 Refrigeration and AirconditioningFigure 5-1.Unloader mechanism in the unloaded position. Figure 5-3.Capacity control system. Maintenance - 14076_108Evacuating the Compressor Condensers - 14076_110Thermostatic Expansion Valves - 14076_111Replacement of Valves Additional System Maintenance - 14076_113Evacuating and Dehydrating the SystemAir-Conditioning SystemMaintenance - 14076_116Detecting and Correcting ProblemsFigure 5-8.Trouble diagnosis chart-Continued. Safety Precautions Used When Handling RefrigerantsFigure 5-10.Trouble diagnosis chart with recommended test included. Caution / SummaryChapter 6 Compressed Air SystemsFigure 6-2.A maintenance index page for low-pressure air compressor systems (page 1 of 3). Figure 6-3.A maintenance index page for low-pressure air compressor systems (page 2 of 3). Figure 6-4.A maintenance Index page for low-pressure air compressor systems (page 3 of 3). Air Dryers and DehydratorsFigure 6-5.A maintenance Index page (MIP) for one design and make of high-pressure air compressor systems (page 1 of 2). Figure 6-6.A maintenance index page (MIP) for one design and make of high-pressure air compressor systems (page 2 of 2). Maintenance of Reciprocating Air CompressorsCylinders and PistonsSummary - 14076_132Chapter 7 Laundry, Mess Deck, Galley, and Scullery EquipmentTumbler DryersLaundry PressesTable 7-1.CommonTroubles, Causes, and Remedies on Shipboard Laundry Dryers Table 7-2.Common Troubles, Causes, and Remedies on Shipboard Laundry Dryers-Continued Galley EquipmentSteam-Jacketed KettlesFigure 7-5.Semiautomatic singie-tank dishwasher machine for use in and messes. Scullery EquipmentSummary - 14076_142Chapter 8 Other Auxiliary EquipmentDistilling Plants - 14076_144First-Effect Tube Nest Vacuum - 14076_145Warning - 14076_146Insufficient Circulating Water Hydraulic Systems - 14076_148Maintenance - 14076_149The Fluid System Caution - 14076_151Boat DavitsFigure 8-3.Single-arm trackway gravity davit. Warning - 14076_154ElevatorsConveyorsCranesDumbwaitersSummary, ContinuedChapter 9 Lathes and Lathe Machining OperationsPrincipal PartsCarriageLead ScrewAccessories and AttachmentsFigure 9-8.A. Four-Jaw chuck. B. Three-Jaw chuck.FaceplatesLathe CentersThread Dial IndicatorCarriage StopCoolantsPreliminary ProceduresHolding the WorkHolding Work on a MandrelCare of ChucksUsing the Center Rest and Follower RestMachining OperationsBoringTapersSummary - 14076_180Appendix 1 ReferencesAppendix 1, Continued - 14076_182Appendix 1, Continued - 14076_183Appendix 1, Continued - 14076_184Appendix 2 Units of Measurement ChartsAppendix 2, Continued - 14076_186Appendix 2, Continued - 14076_187Index - 14076_189Index, Continued - 14076_190Index, Continued - 14076_191Index, Continued - 14076_192Index, Continued - 14076_193Assignment Questions - 14076_195Assignment 1, Continued - 14076_197Assignment 1, Continued - 14076_198Assignment 1, Continued - 14076_199Assignment 1, Continued - 14076_200Assignment 1, Continued - 14076_201Assignment 1, Continued - 14076_202Assignment 1, Continued - 14076_203Assignment 1, Continued - 14076_204Assignment 2 - 14076_205Assignment 2, Continued - 14076_206Assignment 2, Continued - 14076_207Assignment 2, Continued - 14076_208Assignment 2, Continued - 14076_209Assignment 2, Continued - 14076_210Assignment 2, Continued - 14076_211Assignment 2, Continued - 14076_212Assignment 3 - 14076_213Assignment 3, Continued - 14076_214Assignment 3, Continued - 14076_215Assignment 3, Continued - 14076_216Assignment 3, Continued - 14076_217Assignment 3, Continued - 14076_218Assignment 3, Continued - 14076_219Assignment 3, Continued - 14076_220Assignment 3, Continued - 14076_221Assignment 4 - 14076_222Assignment 4, Continued - 14076_223Assignment 4, Continued - 14076_224Assignment 4, Continued - 14076_225Assignment 4, Continued - 14076_226Assignment 4, Continued - 14076_227Assignment 4, Continued - 14076_228Assignment 4, Continued - 14076_229Assignment 4, Continued - 14076_230